Superman jokes-Lost strength 2012-03-16 11:10:50
Superman's strength was beyond measurement. It could only be lost, little by little, if he enjoyed the company of a mortal woman. One day, he ran into Lois Lane and she took him up to her apartment for an evening...
Keywords: little by little, Superman's strength, Superman got out of bed., Superman got out of bed.
Read MoreI couldn't recognize you! 2013-05-10 06:43:12
A middle-aged woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God she asked, "Is my time up?" God said, "No you have another 43 years,...
Keywords: heart attack, woman jokes, woman jokes, funny jokes
Read MoreGuess what! 2013-05-21 09:42:57
A man stops his car after spotting a blonde on the sidewalk with a bag. The man in the car says to her, ''What do you have in the bag?'' The blonde replies: ''I have chickens!'' The man says, ''If...
Keywords: blonde, man, chickens, man jokes
Read MoreThe Last Meal 2013-05-28 07:02:42
There was an Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman working on the top of a cliff. The Englishman said, "If I have cheese in my sandwich tomorrow, I'll jump off this cliff." The Scotsman said, "If I have jam in...
Keywords: Englishman jokes, Irishman, Wives jokes, Wives jokes
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