Mar 19, Wednesday

Search Results On islamist regime

islamist regime

  • international politics, India and  Afghanistan, afghan president seeks increased indian military aid, Islamist regime

    Afghan President Seeks Increased Indian Military Aid 2013-05-21 07:26:14

    Hamid Karzai who is an Afghan President will try and secure more military aid in talks with Indian leaders on Tuesday as he looks to reinforcing his security forces after international troops pull out next year while also to hold...

    Keywords: Islamist regime, Afghan military officers, India to strengthen Afghan security, Ranjan Mathai

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Islamist regime Tag search results on
Mar 19, Wednesday

Search Results On islamist regime

islamist regime

  • international politics, India and  Afghanistan, afghan president seeks increased indian military aid, Islamist regime

    Afghan President Seeks Increased Indian Military Aid 2013-05-21 07:26:14

    Hamid Karzai who is an Afghan President will try and secure more military aid in talks with Indian leaders on Tuesday as he looks to reinforcing his security forces after international troops pull out next year while also to hold...

    Keywords: Islamist regime, Afghan military officers, India to strengthen Afghan security, Ranjan Mathai

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