Here is a wonderful opportunity for grade 1 through grade 6 children! Don't miss! Samskrita Bharati USA in collaboration with Bharathi Vidhyashram of Nashua, NH is organizing a Spring vacation week Samskritam day camp 'Camp Panini' for children in Boston.
The event will be run from Monday, April 25, 2016 to Friday, April 29, 2016 at the Bharathi Vidyashram of Nashua 523 Broad Street Nashua, NH 03063. It is scheduled to be held from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm for all the five days.
Camp Fees:
Early Registration: $150 (until April 3, 2016)
Regular Registration: $175 (April 4 to April 17, 2016)
Late Registration: $200 (April 18 to April 23, 2016)
Sibling Rate (not time bound): $150
Extended care from 3-5pm (optional):
For 1 day: $20/-
For 2 days:$35/-
For 3 days:$45/-
For 4 days: $50/-
For 5 days:$55/-
Event Details:
Name: Camp Panini!
Organized by: Samskrita Bharati USA
Venue: Bharathi Vidyashram of Nashua 523 Broad Street Nashua, NH 03063
Date & Time : Monday, 25 Apr 2016, 9:00 Pm
Contact: Raidu Rayasam
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: (978) 2044923