The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian Techies

Mar 19, Wednesday

The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian TechiesImmigration

June 06, 2019 08:38
The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian Techies

The harsh rules on work visas proposed by the Trump administration are apparently is not refraining Indian techies from showing interest to enter the United States.

A recent data by revealed that between April 1, 2018, and March 31, 2019, 3.7 percent of the total clicks on the United States-based tech jobs on the job portal came from India.

At 0.6 percent, Canada trailed at a distant second in clicks coming from IP addresses outside the U.S.

Share of foreign clicks on US tech job postings on

                        (Image source from:

The Trump administration in the past few months has made it harder for foreign workers to get the highly sought-after H-1B visa, which allows a professional to live and work in the United States for up top six years. Indians are the biggest beneficiaries of the H-1B visa.

However, in January-March 2019, Indian techies’ clicks on the jobs based in the United States fell by nearly 8 percent year-on-year on Techies from the United Kingdom and Pakistan were even less inclined to apply than those from India.

Meanwhile, Germany, France, and Russia posted the largest year-over-year increases in their shares of clicks on the U.S. tech job listings, each up over 25 percent.

Indians clicked on fewer U.S.-based tech jobs on

                        (Image source from:

Types of Jobs

“Foreign interest appears to be highest for difficult-to-fill tech jobs,” the report said. Data show there is a higher foreign click share on job listings that have lower clicks overall.

                        (Image source from: Indeed)

Besides, tech jobs with higher average salaries also had higher foreign clicks. “This relationship may reflect visa requirements,” the report said. “Visas, such as the H-1B, are expensive to process. To make it worthwhile to an employer, these workers should be highly skilled and worth the cost.”

                        (Image source from: Indeed)

Engineer and developer roles were most sought after while technician and support roles drew the least attention among foreigner jobseekers, as per Indeed’s analysis of tech jobs with a minimum of 50,000 total clicks.

U.S. tech jobs with most and least foreign interest on

                        (Image source from:

By Sowmya Sangam

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The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian Techies

The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian Techies

Mar 19, Wednesday

The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian TechiesImmigration

June 06, 2019 08:38
The Desire to Work in the United States Is Still an Unbroken Quirk for Indian Techies

The harsh rules on work visas proposed by the Trump administration are apparently is not refraining Indian techies from showing interest to enter the United States.

A recent data by revealed that between April 1, 2018, and March 31, 2019, 3.7 percent of the total clicks on the United States-based tech jobs on the job portal came from India.

At 0.6 percent, Canada trailed at a distant second in clicks coming from IP addresses outside the U.S.

Share of foreign clicks on US tech job postings on

                        (Image source from:

The Trump administration in the past few months has made it harder for foreign workers to get the highly sought-after H-1B visa, which allows a professional to live and work in the United States for up top six years. Indians are the biggest beneficiaries of the H-1B visa.

However, in January-March 2019, Indian techies’ clicks on the jobs based in the United States fell by nearly 8 percent year-on-year on Techies from the United Kingdom and Pakistan were even less inclined to apply than those from India.

Meanwhile, Germany, France, and Russia posted the largest year-over-year increases in their shares of clicks on the U.S. tech job listings, each up over 25 percent.

Indians clicked on fewer U.S.-based tech jobs on

                        (Image source from:

Types of Jobs

“Foreign interest appears to be highest for difficult-to-fill tech jobs,” the report said. Data show there is a higher foreign click share on job listings that have lower clicks overall.

                        (Image source from: Indeed)

Besides, tech jobs with higher average salaries also had higher foreign clicks. “This relationship may reflect visa requirements,” the report said. “Visas, such as the H-1B, are expensive to process. To make it worthwhile to an employer, these workers should be highly skilled and worth the cost.”

                        (Image source from: Indeed)

Engineer and developer roles were most sought after while technician and support roles drew the least attention among foreigner jobseekers, as per Indeed’s analysis of tech jobs with a minimum of 50,000 total clicks.

U.S. tech jobs with most and least foreign interest on

                        (Image source from:

By Sowmya Sangam

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