‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy report

Mar 19, Wednesday

‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy reportTop Stories

June 02, 2020 06:06
‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy report

(Image source from: deadline.com)

While swarms of people gathered around Minneapolis and Minnesota and other states across the country demanding justice for George Floyd, the autopsy report for the murder was released.

The autopsy that was commissioned for Floyd’s family reported that he died because of asphyxiation because of the excess pressure on the neck and back. The same happened when the Minneapolis white police officer, Derek Chauvin pressed down on Floyd’s neck with his knees for nearly 9 minutes, ignoring his cries of distress.

The doctor who conducted the autopsy was also responsible for conducting Eric Garner’s autopsy. He found that the persistent compression blocked the flow of blood to the brain and the pressure and weight on the back further made it hard for him to breathe.

The same further prolonged a third degree murder charge against Chauvin to be upgraded to a first degree murder charge along with immediate charges to be imposed on the remaining three officers who were present on site and let that happen.

The family’s autopsy further differs from the official autopsy that was mentioned in the criminal charge and complaints against the officer. The official autopsy blames the effects of being restrained along with underlying health conditions and potential intoxicants in Floyd’s blood stream as a possible cause of death.

Floyd, an unarmed Black man, who was arrested by Chauvin and other three officers, died when he was pressed down on the neck with extreme force by the knee. The officers vehemently ignored the bystanders who kept screaming to get off of him and release him because of his persistent cries of distress.

His death, which was captured in a video by a bystander, sparked rage among the Black community and just people in general, who came out on the streets to protest against the same.

The official autopsy last week didn’t provide any insights on the intoxicants and the toxicology results will likely take weeks before they come back. The 911 call that brought the police into the site of the murder stated that the man, Floyd, was paying counterfeit money and was extremely drunk and not in control of himself.

Crump later reported that he was going to commission the family’s own autopsy. Floyd’s family demanded an independent autopsy report to be conducted much like all the families of the black men and women who have died because of police brutality. They wanted unbiased reports because they didn’t trust the authorities.

The family’s autopsy was conducted by Michael Baden and Allecia Wilson. Baden has even previously conducted the autopsy of Michael Brown, the 18-year old Black American who was shot by police in Ferguson.

Chauvin, who has been currently charged with third degree murder and man slaughter have to been held captive in the state prison. The other three officers haven’t been charged yet but have been fired from duty.

The head of the Minneapolis police department have clarified in a report that all the officers have been fired without any due process and that the labor attorneys are going to fight for their jobs.

“For a man who complains so frequently about a lack of community trust and support for the police department, Bob Kroll remains shockingly indifferent to his role in undermining that trust and support,” said Mayor Jacob Frey.

Governor Tim Walz also reported on Sunday that experienced attorney, Keith Ellison will be leading the case of George Floyd. He did this decision following the distrust of people on Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. The protestors have even stood outside his house protesting and demanding justice for the hate crime and the death of George Floyd.

By Somapika Dutta

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‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy report

‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy report

Mar 19, Wednesday

‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy reportTop Stories

June 02, 2020 06:06
‘Asphyxiated by sustained pressure’: George Floyd autopsy report

(Image source from: deadline.com)

While swarms of people gathered around Minneapolis and Minnesota and other states across the country demanding justice for George Floyd, the autopsy report for the murder was released.

The autopsy that was commissioned for Floyd’s family reported that he died because of asphyxiation because of the excess pressure on the neck and back. The same happened when the Minneapolis white police officer, Derek Chauvin pressed down on Floyd’s neck with his knees for nearly 9 minutes, ignoring his cries of distress.

The doctor who conducted the autopsy was also responsible for conducting Eric Garner’s autopsy. He found that the persistent compression blocked the flow of blood to the brain and the pressure and weight on the back further made it hard for him to breathe.

The same further prolonged a third degree murder charge against Chauvin to be upgraded to a first degree murder charge along with immediate charges to be imposed on the remaining three officers who were present on site and let that happen.

The family’s autopsy further differs from the official autopsy that was mentioned in the criminal charge and complaints against the officer. The official autopsy blames the effects of being restrained along with underlying health conditions and potential intoxicants in Floyd’s blood stream as a possible cause of death.

Floyd, an unarmed Black man, who was arrested by Chauvin and other three officers, died when he was pressed down on the neck with extreme force by the knee. The officers vehemently ignored the bystanders who kept screaming to get off of him and release him because of his persistent cries of distress.

His death, which was captured in a video by a bystander, sparked rage among the Black community and just people in general, who came out on the streets to protest against the same.

The official autopsy last week didn’t provide any insights on the intoxicants and the toxicology results will likely take weeks before they come back. The 911 call that brought the police into the site of the murder stated that the man, Floyd, was paying counterfeit money and was extremely drunk and not in control of himself.

Crump later reported that he was going to commission the family’s own autopsy. Floyd’s family demanded an independent autopsy report to be conducted much like all the families of the black men and women who have died because of police brutality. They wanted unbiased reports because they didn’t trust the authorities.

The family’s autopsy was conducted by Michael Baden and Allecia Wilson. Baden has even previously conducted the autopsy of Michael Brown, the 18-year old Black American who was shot by police in Ferguson.

Chauvin, who has been currently charged with third degree murder and man slaughter have to been held captive in the state prison. The other three officers haven’t been charged yet but have been fired from duty.

The head of the Minneapolis police department have clarified in a report that all the officers have been fired without any due process and that the labor attorneys are going to fight for their jobs.

“For a man who complains so frequently about a lack of community trust and support for the police department, Bob Kroll remains shockingly indifferent to his role in undermining that trust and support,” said Mayor Jacob Frey.

Governor Tim Walz also reported on Sunday that experienced attorney, Keith Ellison will be leading the case of George Floyd. He did this decision following the distrust of people on Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. The protestors have even stood outside his house protesting and demanding justice for the hate crime and the death of George Floyd.

By Somapika Dutta

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george floyd  autopsy  minneapolis