The transition from friend to boy friend can be tough on both the sides. But, falling in love with ‘best friend’ is a common tale. The ideology is very commonly seen in movies, which generally have huge impact on the lives of audience. The first important thing here is to identify if your friend is showing interest in turning into your boy friend.
Here are few signs to help you identify if your guy friend wants to be your boyfriend.
Possessiveness: He will feel possessive about every thing related to you. Simple things like you talking to some other guy can annoy him. You can clearly notice a change in him during such instances.
Spending time: He can happily spend loads of time with you. In fact, he will ensure to be in touch with you even when he is really busy.
Protective Nature: You can find that protective nature in him. He looks to protect you all the time and make you feel comfortable. He ensures that you are always in your comfort zone.
Share his feelings: You can observe him sharing his feelings with you and no one else. He may not even mind to share his intimate issues with you. In a way he doesn’t have too many things to hide from you.
Treats you like a queen: He has a real special place for you in his thoughts. It is not just about the gifts from him. It is about the deeper feelings he has for you in his heart. And yes! You will be able to sense it.