Is he interested in me?

Mar 20, Thursday

Is he interested in me?Relationship

October 08, 2014 10:38
Is he interested in me?},{Is he interested in me?

(Image source from: Is he interested in me?})

Are you attracted to this special man and do not know of his intentions? Relax! All men reveal some tell-tale signs that that tell whether he may be interested in a relationship with you. No doubt each man is different from the other, but when it comes to matters of the heart most men behave alike. You can easily tell if the subject of your interest is equally besotted by you.

Here are some signs to tell if he is interested in you

Status check

Men do not like to enter into a no entry zone. So he will try to find out whether you are seeing someone at the moment. He'll drop statements like "Your boyfriend is lucky". It's meant to evoke an answer from you. Most unattached females will answer with, "I am not dating anyone at present" or "There is no boyfriend." Here's your cue lady!

Keeps checking you out

If you like someone you keep checking out the person. Even men do the same. If you see him checking you out and when caught turning red with embarrasment, know that he is equally interested. The embarrasment is because he thought his action was very subtle and covert. Encourage him with a  smile.

Mush brain

Though comfortable with women, when it comes to you he's unable to act normally. In front of you he's unable to communicate well, maintain his cool, calm and controlled demeanor that he normally does before other women. His infatuation makes him 'mush' inside and he cannot think clearly. Your man may appear nervous, goofy or even a babbling idiot before you. Great sign ladies.

Eye contact

The man tries to make eye contact with you repeatedly. And the duration of eye contact seem be increasing progressively. At times he may tilt his head and give a coy smile, trying to convey his interested in you.

Ladies he's equally interested and attracted to you. So give him hints and take it forward.

(AW: Pratima Tigga)

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Is he interested in me? | Relationship

Is he interested in me?

Mar 20, Thursday

Is he interested in me?Relationship

October 08, 2014 10:38
Is he interested in me?},{Is he interested in me?

(Image source from: Is he interested in me?})

Are you attracted to this special man and do not know of his intentions? Relax! All men reveal some tell-tale signs that that tell whether he may be interested in a relationship with you. No doubt each man is different from the other, but when it comes to matters of the heart most men behave alike. You can easily tell if the subject of your interest is equally besotted by you.

Here are some signs to tell if he is interested in you

Status check

Men do not like to enter into a no entry zone. So he will try to find out whether you are seeing someone at the moment. He'll drop statements like "Your boyfriend is lucky". It's meant to evoke an answer from you. Most unattached females will answer with, "I am not dating anyone at present" or "There is no boyfriend." Here's your cue lady!

Keeps checking you out

If you like someone you keep checking out the person. Even men do the same. If you see him checking you out and when caught turning red with embarrasment, know that he is equally interested. The embarrasment is because he thought his action was very subtle and covert. Encourage him with a  smile.

Mush brain

Though comfortable with women, when it comes to you he's unable to act normally. In front of you he's unable to communicate well, maintain his cool, calm and controlled demeanor that he normally does before other women. His infatuation makes him 'mush' inside and he cannot think clearly. Your man may appear nervous, goofy or even a babbling idiot before you. Great sign ladies.

Eye contact

The man tries to make eye contact with you repeatedly. And the duration of eye contact seem be increasing progressively. At times he may tilt his head and give a coy smile, trying to convey his interested in you.

Ladies he's equally interested and attracted to you. So give him hints and take it forward.

(AW: Pratima Tigga)

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